
CALL Literary Reaction Journal 4

The Happy Prince ☆

High above the city, on a tall column, stood the statue of the Happy Prince. He was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he had two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby glowed on his sword-hilt, heart made by lead. The very beautiful prince is proud of the people in city.
The swallow which was going to be reflected on a trip in Egypt looks for bed because it is bird, and large drop of tears fall suddenly from the top when going to sleep in the step of the image of the prince. When the prince wants unhappy people to see from this place to put up one's jewel, I ask a swallow. I take the sapphire of both eyes in a young dramatist and the young Little Match Girl that starved to ill poor mother whom a child is with the ruby which was used for the decoration of the sword of the prince as the swallow was said. I stop going over to Egypt, and the swallow which made up its mind to stay in the town runs around the downtown and tells the prince whom I lose both eyes, and eyes lost their eyesight of a various story. The prince asks to hear the story of the swallow when he wants to tear off the gold leaf of one's body, and many unhappy people still to share it.
Winter comes before long, and the prince becomes the poor figure, and the swallow which failed to cross it to the south country gradually weakens. The swallow which realized death exerts the last strength and flies up and kisses a prince and runs out of energy in his step. At the moment, the heart of lead of the prince made a sound and has been broken to two. The image of the prince who became the poor figure was removed from a pillar by heartless people, and it was dissolved in a blast furnace, but only the heart of lead was thrown away for the garbage collection with a swallow without melting.
In heaven, God who looked at the state of this world gives an angel an order when "I bring two holiest things in this town", and, at same time, the angel brings heart of lead of a prince thrown away for the garbage collection and a dead swallow. God praised an angel, prince and the swallow became happy forever in paradise.

渡り鳥であるが故にエジプトに旅に出ようとしていたツバメが寝床を探し、王子の像の足元で寝ようとすると突然上から大粒の涙が降ってくる。 王子はこの場所から見える不幸な人々に自分の宝石をあげてきて欲しいとツバメに頼む。 ツバメは言われた通り王子の剣の装飾に使われていたルビーを病気の子供がいる貧しい母親に、両目のサファイアを飢えた若い劇作家と幼いマッチ売りの少女に持っていく。エジプトに渡る事を中止し、街に残る事を決意したツバメは街中を飛び回り、両目をなくし目の見えなくなった王子に色々な話を聞かせる。王子はツバメの話を聞き、まだたくさんの不幸な人々に自分の体の金箔を剥がし分け与えて欲しいと頼む。
やがて冬が訪れ、王子はみすぼらしい姿になり、南の国へ渡り損ねたツバメも次第に弱っていく。 死を悟ったツバメは最後の力を振り絞って飛び上がり王子にキスをして彼の足元で力尽きる。その瞬間、王子の鉛の心臓は音を立て二つに割れてしまった。 みすぼらしい姿になった王子の像は心無い人々によって柱から取り外され、溶鉱炉で溶かされたが鉛の心臓だけは溶けず、ツバメと一緒にゴミ溜めに捨てられた。



A sallow : A bird of passage. He will go trip on Egypt. When he is looking for a bed, he met the statue of the happy prince.
The happy prince : It stood golded statue in the city.



Gradually get weak swallow don't go to Egypt , he confessed going to house of death, he kissed to prince, he used his best of power.



God said to one of his angel 'Bring me the two most precious things in the city,' The Angel brought Him the leaden heart and the dead bird. God praised an angel, prince and the swallow became happy forever in paradise.

神さまが天使たちの一人に「町の中で最も貴いものを二つ持ってきなさい」と言った。その天使は、神さまのところに鉛の心臓と死んだ鳥を持って行った。  神は天使を褒め、そして王子とツバメは楽園で永遠に幸福になった。

4.General Opinion

I thought that prince and a swallow are gradually getting weak, they go to heaven, sad and heartwarming.

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